Tidy now makes websites automatically



A quick update on what we've been doing. Lately, we've been focusing on features for website mass production agencies or anyone who want to become a mass production agency.

Automatic website production 

We've made a few projects where websites are produced completely automatically based on data pulled from different sources. Our record is 48 000 websites for one client. This enables a new sales model where you make the site first and then contact the customer and sell it. Take a look at the 48k case example.

Integrate with anything

We can now integrate Tidy with anything that has an API. We've for example integrated Tidy with a CRM to create an optimal production workflow. Take alook at the CRM case example.

White labelling

Now available for all agency clients.

Shared resources (enabling multi-site updates)

Share templates, images, CSS and JS files etc. between sites. If you change ashared resource, the change is propagated to all sites using that resource with one click.

The 1-minute "is Tidy for you" survey

If you love surveys (who doesn't?), we've created an alternative way to get to know Tidy, a survey! Take the quick 1-minute survey

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Tidy's key features & benefits

1. Speed up or fully automate website production

2. Increase your sales

3. Replace current platform

Create websites fast

Spend 30 minutes/website without compromising on quality.

More on fast production
Semi-automatic creation

Move content from an existing site to a new template with a few clicks

More on semi-automatic
Auto-create websites

Auto-create websites using a content source, like a CRM

More on auto-creation
Increase agency sales

Auto-creation enables a new, more efficient sales model

More on increasing sales
Import 1000s of sites

Auto-creation enables a new, more efficient sales model

More on site migration

Please, contact us for more information

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